Thursday, 2 December 2010

Winter sets in - perfect time to plan routes and clues!

It is -4 out there as I blog this.  Cold.  Very cold.  Thoughts of summer cycling in shorts and T-shirts just makes me shudder!!
So - perfect time to think about the whats hows whos wheres etc of the family-rides-to-be.

I have had a phone call off Gavin from Sheffield (Bike Club) - we chatted about the Sheffield family rides.  They appear to have started in 2009 (see blog link) and seem to include car assisted rides out into Derbyshire.  There is a nice write up of a ride last summer (in bike week) that swelled in numbers as they rode.  A sort of family-bike-ride-relay.  I like that idea.  Maybe we could do that one month next summer?

I also came across CTC family rides in Staffordshire - Chase Cycling Club - or "Wheel we make it?" (a not dissimilar idea for a name has been suggested up here!).  I must say the photos show a very wide age range - which is certainly welcome here - everybody is part of a family, whichever generation you now occupy!

The 'competition' ride set for September is now fully planned - well, I have planned the route, and my esteemed chum, Dave, has set all the other details up, including the start and end stop at Old Ma's coffee shop near Tattenhall.  For the adventurous there will also be a ride in October around Bala.  More details will be unveiled as the year progresses!

Horses get everywhere in the New Forest!
 I have a feeling we will be heading to the New Forest Rides in July in - er - The New Forest.  Very much a family affair, with people returning year after year.  Not to be missed is the trip to the Isle of Wight, with a few hundred bikes stacked up on deck, it is a sight to behold.  Imagine, biking to the beach!  (No, not in this weather!).  Camping.  But that is all part of the fun!!!  Maybe if the Chester Family Rides take off, we could arrange our own camping weekend in 2012 - Anglesey springs to mind - not too far and some lovely cycling (including our own beaches!).

Bikes Below deck on Isle of Wight Ferry

You can read a report about the 2010 Rally here. (scroll down to New Forest Rally report)

I have also added some other family friendly cycling events we are holding through the year.  Check out the Chester and North Wales website for more information as it becomes availble.

If you are reading this (and I hope someone does!!) please leave a comment; or complete the poll to the right (sorry font colour is rubbish but I can't change it now!) - or better still, why not follow this blog?

Have a very Happy Christmas, and I will post again in 2011!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Update and plans continue

I have set dates now, see on the left of this page.

I am thinking of starting in April with a treasure hunt (although exactly how is another matter!).  Then the rides will probably evolve as the summer progresses, depending on who comes out and what ideas are put forward.

However, there are substantial plans afoot to have the ride in September to be a full day distance challenge ride.  It will be a 50km (33 miles)  and aimed at older children and families.  I have to plan the route yet, but I have had some significant help already so it is looking promising.

I am also investigating the possibility of this being a 'Bike Club'  Not sure at this point what that would mean.  Need to speak to Ross.

I am also significantly daunted and quite worried that I have finally taken on too much with this family rides stuff.  If anyone out there is keen to see this happen, please vote on the gadget to the right; and post a comment (words of encouragement...?) below.

Probably more to come.....!

Monday, 13 September 2010